Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Great Mistake

Today at work i printed approximately 1750 shirts, 152 of those shirts were printed wrong. As i was on shirt 102 or so, the guy next to me says,"this word looks weird", i said, "it looks weird because you just keep seeing it over and over again". He said, "no, i think it is spelled wrong". So i stopped. After looking at the word OFFICAL on the shirt and immediately knowing that it should be spelled O-F-F-I-C-I-A-L i decided if i came that far i must finish before saying something. After all this wasn't designed by me, it had slipped through the art department and was approved by a customer, then the screens themselves were burned by my manager (at 4:30 am, trust me i heard all about how he did them first thing in the morning) I couldn't break his heart, and let him know that he had fucked up. It also had been touched up by another person, set up by me, and proofed by yet another person. Then it was printed over 100 times before someone noticed, and yet another person at the end of the dryer that the shirts come out of didn't notice either, nor did the artist who created it, that was standing next to her talking, or the owner of the company who looked at a few and said these look great. So as the last shirt went on the press i simply said "hey i have a question for you, is that how you spell official"? The response was um um um no it's not. So who gets yelled at for this mistake that passed so many before him? Yes, me of course, did i mention that the shirts had already had the fronts printed on them as well. My manager suggested spiffing (an act of spraying a image with a very strong chemical that removes ink from clothing, very time consuming) all of the shirts. Instead we will be re-printing these shirts later in the week. My punishment, my manager being an asshole all day. Remember he burnt the screens first thing in the morning and would have been the first to see the image, remember he didn't graduate high school, is a redneck, racist, claims to be christian, has worked the same job for 18 years, yet knows less than most of the people who work there. So I present to you the great mistake, it's OFFICAL.

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