Sunday, June 15, 2008

swimming movies in the closet i built before the shit storm

Almost every Friday last Summer Erik Moore and I went swimming together. So I started bugging Erik about it a few weeks ago, as i wanted to start the trend again this year. So Friday I worked all day and it rained and i was little bummed out that we wouldn't get to go swimming, but by the time i got off work it had stopped raining but was still overcast pretty badly. I called Erik to see if he was down for still going and he was, he also had Stephen with him. I went home and got my swim trunk and picked Stephen and Erik up, and off we went to the pool. We got there and i was afraid the pool was closed because no one was there, they were open but looked like they were gonna pack it up and go home any minute. That was until we showed up and they had to stay open, we paid our $3.50 (which is higher than last year) and went in. We had heard that the built a water slide and we were all pretty excited about that, but when we got inside it was still being worked on and was non-functioning. We get in the pool and we are the only 3 people there, besides the 10 or so lifeguards (4 on duty 6 walking around) and a cop. The lifeguards looked pissed because we were there and they had to stay open, we even heard a few of them ask each other if they were staying open and then say well i guess we have to and then they would look down at us. So we made it our mission to stay as long as we could so they couldn't leave and we just sat in the pool and jumped off the diving board all the while the guard just starred us down. Finally after about two hours we had had enough so we decided to leave. Right as we were walking to the gate 5 other kids showed up to make the guard have to stay even longer. We were very happy that someone had taken our place. Later that night i went to a bbq at my friend Cody's house it was his fake birthday party, we ate lots and drank summer shandy's (beer with lemonade).

Saturday i slept in and then worked on the house. I took a nap and woke up bored so i went to go see The Happening, it was awful. The acting was so bad and story just kind of sucked. The previews for this looked kind of cool but it was a let down. I am not going to go into details as i hate to review things but do yourself a favor and don't go see it. It is equally as bad as the new Indiana Jones. As i was leaving the movie theatre i got a call and was asked if i wanted to see The Incredible Hulk in a few hours, i really had to think about it as i had just came from a movie. I decide there was nothing else to do so i would do it. I went home and ate and sat for a hour then went back to the same movie theatre and watched The Incredible Hulk. I was a little weary going into the movie as the previews looked shitty especially the CGI. What got me to go was the preview i saw two days earlier that showed Tony Stark (Iron Man/Robert Downy Jr.) making a cameo. Turns out the movie wasn't too bad, the writing was actually good and the story line was great. Edward Norton actually did a good job. The problem was the CGI, they just can't make The Incredible Hulk look real. Every time he turned up on the screen he looked like a cartoon set in a real world. I will say this movie was leaps and bounds better than the one that came out 4 or 5 years ago. The Tony Stark part was sweet as well, and i heard that you were supposed to be able to see Captain America in the background somewhere. I later found out the cut that scene from the movie, because it was too scary for kids. The scene was Bruce Banner finally giving up because he couldn't find a cure and he goes to the Arctic to kill himself and meets Captain America. It will be in the DVD as well as 70 minutes of extra footage. Did you know that Captain Americas shield is somewhere in the Iron Man movie?

Sunday- I built a closet and went to band practice. I cam home to something shitty. The end.

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