Tuesday, November 18, 2008


It's been forever, who cares. Lot's has happened i have thrown a vegetable tray at someone, i have seen a hat fly off an old mans head flip 3 times and land on a bicyclists head and he was riding by and the bicyclists had no idea, i have played multiple shows, i have drank multiple beers, i have recorded half of a new record, i have voted for a new president, i have put things off, i have got things done, i have seen movies, i have got mad, i have got sad. NONE OF THIS MATTERS.

I just felt like writing today, as there seems to be a lot on my mind. Not sure that i am in the mood to share, but maybe i will start updating more often.

It feels weird when your whole life no one has ever given a shit, and then you think maybe someone does, but hey all things must pass. I won't hold my breath i'll hold my stomach cause it hurts. ANXIETY IS A BITCH. blah

lets go on tour and forget about columbia already.


erik said...

d00d i saw that vegetable tray!!!
that place was full of douche bags, that's why i left, they didnt need one more.

My Name is Bird said...

That guy tried to piss on me from a balcony, so i threw the vegetable tray at him. The night before i stole a bottle of rum and tried to give it to a homeless guy, he told me my world needed more than his.