Sunday, April 20, 2008

in 1000's

I work at a screen printing shop, which to say the least is a interesting place to work. It is a neat trade to learn and i could definitely tell you the ins and outs of screen printing. However, i don't think we are the smartest shop on the block (though my millionaire boss assures me, "that we can't be touched and we do more and better work than any shop in Missouri") I would believe we do more work, but that is because my boss takes on ridiculous jobs with impossible goals set behind them.

His latest money making plan is to accommodate these two women who have a plan of making canvas grocery bags. Great idea in theory, these two women want 9 different designs (that have been finely tweaked many many times). Of these 9 designs they want 1000 of each design printed on canvas bags (for a total of 9000). My boss thought we could print 2000 a day a knock these out very quickly. Besides the headache of doing the artwork, there was also a issue with the color of ink for each design (it had to be perfect, and they wanted many samples before the final product was made). So right there you are looking at way more work than expected, the ink had to mixed and matched very specifically to PMS numbers. I must also mention the canvas bags aren't really bags they are large canvas pieces that will have to be taken to another out source and sewn into bags, adding the nylon straps. Yet another large process, and pain in the ass.

So why i am writing about this? Well my job as a printer is to print the 9000 bags, the goal of 2000 a day was not met. I could only do 1000 a day, as the set up for these takes a very long time. I can't really explain the details, with out everyone having some knowledge of screen printing and the equipment we use, but you are looking at around 1 hour set time for each design. That i have to re-setup after each 1000 is printed. Also we are talking 1000's of threads from these canvas bags that get in the design and have to be pulled out and touched up, and running out of ink every couple 100 prints. This also takes a 3 man team to print and each bag must be perfectly centered so when the poor saps that have to sew these things won't mess up the design. All of this for a reusable bag. We are talking many hours of work, i understand these are reusable and are supposed to be environmentally friendly. In the end i think they might be just as evil as the paper and plastic we just throw away (or that i re-use as garbage bags around my house).

Anyhow looking at 1000 of anything over and over for 8 hours is mind numbing and awful. I can't imagine what is doing to my eyes. I currently have 2000 done and will finish the remaining 7000 this week. Please think of the bullshit that goes into making canvas bags the next time you use one.

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