Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I have found that i am struggling to find out what i want this blog to be about. Should i make it a music blog and talk about the shows i go to, the records i buy, new bands i have discovered? I feel like there is too many music blogs and i hate other peoples views on music. There is this kid i work with and every time a new band pops up on my ipod he is like, hey is that (insert band name here), and i am like yeah it is. It is annoying it is like you are trying to please these people all day at work? I am simply tyring not to loose my mind, and sit in silence all day. In my old position at work i could listen to headphones and not worry about this problem. I can't now because i work closely with two other people at all times and communication is a must, so music plays in the background and not through my headphones. While it is nice to connect with people on music and especially in a work environment where most people don't listen to the same type as music as i do, i also find it extremely annoying to share my music with others and constantly be critiqued by this guy. So strict music blog, i don't think so.

Maybe a food blog, where i write about about what i ate or the places i ate at. The effects of food, new food ideas. I have this one where i make nachos out of Doritos. It is sweet, you take your favorite kind of Doritos (there are so many) and you make nachos out of them. Or the many ways you can make a frozen pizza into a masterpiece with a few simple ingredients. I just think food would get boring to read about.

So maybe a imaginary blog, where i write about all these crazy things and people think that i have the most interesting life or a really fucked up one. It would be like writing a book, but in blog form where you make up all these characters and events and people would be really interested in finding out the new adventures of these people they think are real. It would be my little joke to the world.

Is that fucked up or what? I think about doing things like that all the time. I had a idea for making this fake band called the disadvantage featuring 4 guys from Columbia, Missouri. 4 of the most socially awkward people i could think of, and making them a myspace page and putting up fake music and possibly booking a tour for them. Just to see how far i could take it and how much of a buzz i could get going about a band that didn't even exist. They would get this reputation of being dicks because they never showed up for shows and always had to cancel. This would be a major time waster, but it is the type of thing i think of when i get bored. The other one i have is setting up an entire game of Risk, with all the armies and playing by myself. This would take forever and eventually you would have to decide what team you wanted to win, but you could also totally make it dependant on the roll of the dice. THAT IS FUCKED UP, that is crazy no one would ever do that, it would be boring as shit, yet i seriously have considered doing this on numerous occasions. I have a ton more honestly, that go anywhere from alphabetizing my records and Cd's for organizational purposes, to actually taking stock on my music collection and typing them all into some sort of data base. I easily have close to 3000 Cd's and 100's of records. This would take forever. I fear that when my roommate moves out in June and i have a month and half of alone time before new roommates move in, that i might go crazy. I have worked out many ways that i want to change the layout of my house in my head and it will all go into effect as soon as he moves out. This is why blogging freaks me out, because i often feel like i am writing about nothing, that i should have a total purpose for each post or a subject matter that is specific to this blog. I guess in the end the subject matter is me and this is my blog so that is what i am going for. I could write about more personal issues but i don't think i need everyone to see and read my dirty laundry. I have no idea how many people read this (if any at all) if i have regulars or not, and i am not sure that i care. It is simply something to do, and a place to vent and get things out, even if they are a little scattered brained sometimes.

I would like to start posting more art and photos and writing about those, until then i will keep the randomness coming. Hopefully someone enjoys it.

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